Mini chefs

The Shabbat Experience

Hats on, aprons tied! Come along on a journey through Shabbat as we prepare and celebrate the highlight of our week!

We’re taking the traditional Challah, matzah ball soup, and more Shabbat favorites up a notch with our young and impressionable kiddos. Roll up your sleeves and join us for a fun, hands-on, and educational Shabbat experience.

Braid your own Challah loaves with an exciting array of toppings, cook some matzah ball soup, enjoy a live mock Shabbat ceremony, and take home your Shabbat-to-go package to enjoy with your family on Friday night!

Sunday | February 11 | 11:30 AM
At the Chabad Jewish Center
RSVP for address

For the entire family!

FREE admission | RSVP required below: